Rainbow Kids Logo




We believe that the most effective care and education of children requires regular and open communication between parents and teachers. Teachers record information on details of each child's day to share with parents. Developmental Assessments are done on infants every 3 months and for Toddlers through Pre-K classes they are done every 6 months. Student PaintingIf you have particular concerns about your child's development or their care, you may request a conference at any point in the year. The Director is also available as needed.

Rainbow Kids invites parents to become involved in our program. The Center welcomes current parents to speak with the teacher to arrange a time to visit. We welcome you to share your talent or interest, to bake muffins, or just spend a little time visiting in your child's classroom. There are opportunities to be involved in the classroom community by assisting with important tasks as well, such as repairing a seam on a doll's dress or helping to organize a family event.

All of us at Rainbow Kids value parental involvement in the life of the Center. We strive to create an atmosphere that encourages communication. Your ideas, questions, concerns and support are important.

Rainbow Kids hosts several family social occasions throughout the year. Parents have little time to meet and socialize with staff and other parents during the busy workweek, and the opportunity to meet and share parent talk is welcome.


366 Old Colony Rd, Norton, MA 02766 small logo 508.222.1901 small logo rainbowkids_1@juno.com